
Dispelling 5 Common Rumors About Orthopedic Surgery In Wichita

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Learn What’s Fact and What’s Fiction In the World of Advanced Orthopedics

There’s no shortage of information on the internet about the field of orthopedics and its relevant procedures. When people have a medical concern or question, they usually don’t call their physician or a medical professional. Instead, they piecemeal their information using a series of Google searches that pull from a variety of sources, some more reliable than others.

This approach tends to misinform rather than enlighten, as much of the internet’s information about advanced orthopedics is either hearsay or incomplete when sourced from parties who don’t work in the medical field. Naturally, some of these misunderstandings find traction, turning them into prevailing rumors that pass for truth.

As a group of physicians and orthopedic surgeons near you in Wichita, education is a big part of our job, especially in regard to invasive procedures. In this blog, we’ll examine the most common rumors about orthopedic surgery and set the record straight by offering clarifying information. By learning about these procedures from orthopedic specialists and surgeons instead of a random internet source, you’re far less likely to be misinformed in the future.

Myth 1: Orthopedic Surgery Is Only For Athletes or Extremely Active People

Because orthopedic surgery is most associated with athletes, some interpret that as it being exclusive to athletes. Not true. Orthopedic surgery benefits a wide range of patients at various activity levels.

Although athletes may require surgery due to injuries from physical activities, orthopedic issues affect people of all ages and lifestyles. Conditions like arthritis, hip and knee replacements, and back surgeries are common among the general population, especially as they age or after they’ve sustained injuries during common daily activities.

Myth 2: Surgery Is Always the First Option

One huge misunderstanding some folks have is that orthopedic specialists advocate for invasive procedures as the first wave of treatment. In fact, the opposite is true. Most orthopedic surgeons recommend surgery only after exploring all other treatments.

Non-surgical treatments, such as physical therapy, medications, lifestyle changes, or less invasive procedures, are often effective for managing many orthopedic conditions. Surgery is only considered when these less intense treatments do not provide relief or when the condition will worsen without surgical intervention.

Myth 3: Recovery From Orthopedic Surgery Takes a Long Time

Indeed, long recovery times are certainly a possibility, but they are far from the norm. What people must consider is that a variety of factors determine recovery time. Most notably, these factors include the type of orthopedic surgery, the patient’s age, and their overall health.

For example, a young, healthy patient who undergoes minimally invasive surgery for a minor issue can fully recover within a matter of weeks. Advancements in surgical techniques, such as minimally invasive procedures and advanced pain management strategies, have significantly reduced recovery times. It’s also worth noting that physical therapy and rehabilitation starts almost immediately after surgery, which helps speed up the recovery process.

When attempting to estimate recovery times, the internet will only tell you about the anecdotal experiences of others. For an estimate that’s specific to you, the best course of action is to speak with an orthopedic specialist who knows your medical history. It’s the only way to get accurate information.

Myth 4: Orthopedic Surgery Leaves Large Scars

Prior to many of the innovations that have been made in advanced orthopedics, significant scarring and tissue damage were valid concerns. It’s true, large scars are still a possibility, but they are far less common than they were 20 years ago.

With the advent of minimally invasive techniques, many orthopedic surgeries are performed through small incisions using tiny cameras and instruments, resulting in far less scarring. Another huge benefit of arthroscopic procedures is that the minimal tissue damage greatly reduces the risk of infection, thus, facilitating patient recovery.

Myth 5: Orthopedic Surgery Is Extremely Painful

Advanced pain management is a critical component of orthopedic surgery, and significant strides have been made in this area. Modern surgical techniques, combined with advanced pain relief measures, ensure that patients experience minimal discomfort during and after surgery. The use of regional anesthesia and multimodal pain management techniques have significantly improved patient comfort while reducing reliance on opioids.

Find a Trusted Orthopedic Surgeon Near You In Wichita

Understanding the facts about orthopedic surgery can alleviate fears and help individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare options. Because everyone’s medical history and health profile are unique, it’s important to consult with a qualified orthopedic specialist who has had the opportunity to examine you. Chances are, there are numerous non-invasive treatment options they can try before resorting to surgery.

Call (316) 630-9300 to schedule an exam with one of our experienced orthopedic doctors. You can also send questions to us via email using our contact form.